Standard roses in the spotlight
At Lens Roses, we have carefully selected our most beloved standard roses, which make a beautiful addition to any garden. Whether you're looking for a standard rose of 0.80m, 1.10m, 1.40m, or 1.60m, we have various sizes available to meet all your garden desires.
In the photos, you can see the enticing blooming version in a pot, but please note that from mid-November to the end of March, the bare-root version is preferred for planting. Why wait?
Click here for the complete assortment.
Below are just a few highlighted top picks.
Marie Pavic
Very elegant double roses, beautifully opening white with a hint of blush pink. A compact, bushy, thornless shrub from earlier times that remains a top performer. Delicately scented and reblooms until the first frost.
Fil des Saisons
A rebloomer with a remarkable color: dark pink with a cherry red nuance and attractive yellow stamens. In the fall, the autumn color and beautiful red hips emerge.
Maria Mathilda
One of the best white cluster roses, with large flowers and very good reblooming. The plant features vigorous, nearly thornless branches with strong dark green and extremely healthy foliage.
A blooming, lightly scented cluster rose with large, cup-shaped, deep red flowers. Abundantly reblooming. Dark, glossy green and healthy foliage.
Absolutely Fabulous
An excellent garden rose, always fragrant and healthy in bloom. The golden-yellow flowers fade to buttery yellow and have a strong scent of licorice; they rebloom excellently. The plant is compact and has strong, glossy mid-green foliage.
Love Letter
A prolific flowering cluster rose with elegant medium-sized yellow-white flowers. Blooms from June until the first frost. Has healthy dark green foliage.
Super Trouper
Striking, beautifully bright copper-orange, classically shaped roses in clusters. Blooms well into late autumn, lightly scented, and healthy, with good reblooming.
Heavenly Pink
A fantastic delicate rose with an abundance of beautiful pyramidal clusters of flowers, nicely structured with double rosette-shaped blooms. As the name suggests: heavenly pink clouds. Healthy, vigorous, abundantly reblooming, and low-maintenance.

Chandos Beauty
Large cream-white flowers with a light apricot center that emit a strong fragrance.
Click here for mor Standard Rose inspiration.
Various applications for the garden.